Electronic Energy Meter (Front Board Mounted Static KWH Meter)

Electronic Energy Meter (Front Board MountedStatic KWH Meter)

HUABANG Electronic energymeter isused to measure 50Hz or 60Hz active energy consumption from single phase andpoly phase electricity net.
It uses LSI (Large-scale Integration) and SMT manufacturing technique. All the key components and partsall have long service life.
With the features of good reliability, small volume, light weightand specious appearance, etc., they are used in office buildings, shopping centers, residences, airports, metros,etc.

The e
lectronic energy meter first carries out a real time sampling ofvoltage and current.  Then, it transformsvoltage and current signals into impulses in proportion to electric energy byspecial integrated circuit and then the impulses areindicated by digital displayer or register.

Compared to a mechanical en
ergy meter, the electronicenergy meter has obvious advantages.  Forexample, it has high ability to prevent stealing electricity, high measuring accuracy, superior load characteristic, littleerror, good compensation performance of power factor, little power consumption,and so on.  More important, its measuringparameters have good flexibility and it has a lot of derived functions.  The application of   MCU brings new advantagesto our electronic energy meter, which common mechanic energy meters cannotachieve.

Electronic energy meter has severalcommon specifications for current indication
Single phase :  1.5(6)A, 2.5(10)A,5(20)A, 5(30)A, 10(40)A, 10(60)A, 15(60)A, 20(80)A, limit 20(100)A (rarelyused)

The front values are calibration current or rated current which is called Ibfor short.  The values in brackets aremaximum load current (Imax).  During theoperation, load power current cannot outstrip max load current of energy meteror the energy meter will be destroyed.  Theenergy meter will be burnt up and this may lead to accidents.

Single phase energy meter mainly has the above current specifications.  With the development of economy and the improvementin the standard of living, home appliances are continually increasing.  A small size energy meter can no longer adapt theactual market environment.  Now, the mainspecifications are 5(20) A
or 5(30) A.  A lot of regions chose 10(40) A as basic civilspecification.  The maximum specificationof a single phase energy meter is 20(80) A.  Its overload capacity can reach to 100A.  In this range, it will be rarely destroyed andaccidents will not happen. But, if the load is often at about 100A, we suggest you to use a four wirethree phase energy meter.  This will be safer. 20(100) A is the limit ofcurrent specification for the single phase energy meter.  If the maximum load current exceeds 80A, you can choose this specification.

Current specifications of three phase energy meter
Common specification is
1.5(6)A.  The energy meter of thisspecification is joined by mutual inductor.
5(30)A, 10(60)A, 20(80)A,30(100)A
Voltage indication:  3X220/380,
three phase three wire indication

electronic energy meter  manufacturer, based in China.  We offer electronic energy meter , mechanicalenergy meter, socket energy meter, etc.  Weprovide high quality energy meters at a competitive price.  The full chain for manufacturing energymeters can be completed in China,even in one city.  Our low manufacturingcost saves your purchasing cost.  Furtherdetails of each product are shown in the specific product page.



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